

为了预防新冠病毒,5月14日美国稻米世界市场价格(WMP)小组委员会通过视频会议的形式召开了5月例会。 小组委员会全体成员通过Zoom讨论了预计播种面积,供求关系和稻米库存等话题。 委员会成员一致认为,美国农业部(USDA)的播种计划是可以达到的目标并且整个行业都希望2020年的稻米收成比2019年更好。

Rice Outlook Tables July, 2017

World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates, USDA, World Agricultural Outlook Board. Updated July 12, 2017.   N/A = not available. *1 August-July market year; rough equivalent. *2 Projected. *3 Residual includes unreported use, processing losses, and estimating errors. *4 Rough-rice equivalent. *5 Market-year weighted average. Source: World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates, USDA, World Agricultural…

Rice Outlook Tables June, 2017

World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates, USDA, World Agricultural Outlook Board. Updated June 12, 2017. N/A = not available. *1 August-July market year; rough equivalent. *2 Projected. *3 Residual includes unreported use, processing losses, and estimating errors. *4 Rough-rice equivalent. *5 Market-year weighted average. Source: World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates, USDA, World Agricultural Outlook…

Rice Outlook Tables May, 2017

World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates, USDA, World Agricultural Outlook Board. Updated May 10, 2017. N/A = not available. *1 August-July market year; rough equivalent. *2 Projected. *3 Residual includes unreported use, processing losses, and estimating errors. *4 Rough-rice equivalent. *5 Market-year weighted average. Source: World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates, USDA, World Agricultural Outlook…